
woman client receiving nano eyebrow tattoo

nano brows

Experience the future of perfect brows with machine nano brows! Our advanced technique combines cutting-edge technology with an artistic eye, for flawlessly soft and natural-looking results. With ultra-precise nano-needles and a specialized machine, we surpass traditional microblading in precision, safety, comfort, longevity, and customization. Not only do our brows look beautiful initially, but they also age gracefully over time, making them a superior choice compared to microblading. Say goodbye to ineffective methods - visit us today for brows that enhance your natural beauty and stand the test of time. The future is here with nano brows!

close up of female eye after mircroblading treatment


Experience the future of perfect brows with machine nano brows! Our advanced technique combines cutting-edge technology with an artistic eye, for flawlessly soft and natural-looking results. With ultra-precise nano-needles and a specialized machine, we surpass traditional microblading in precision, safety, comfort, longevity, and customization. Not only do our brows look beautiful initially, but they also age gracefully over time, making them a superior choice compared to microblading. Say goodbye to ineffective methods - visit us today for brows that enhance your natural beauty and stand the test of time. The future is here with nano brows!

powder brow tattoo close up on female eyes

powder brows

Powder brows creates a soft, powdered filled-in effect on the eyebrows. It involves using a machine and specialized needles to deposit pigments into the skin, resulting in a gradual shading effect. The powder brows technique is ideal for those who prefer a more defined, filled-in eyebrow look. It can enhance the shape and fullness of the brows, giving them a polished and groomed appearance. The powder brows PMU technique typically lasts longer than microblading and requires fewer touch-ups. It is a popular choice for individuals seeking long-lasting, hassle-free eyebrows with a soft and powdered finish.

powder and microblading eyebrow tattoo close up of female eye

combo brows

Combo brows PMU (Permanent Makeup) is a technique that combines the natural hair strokes of microblading with the soft shading of powder brows. It creates a more defined and fuller eyebrow look with added depth and dimension. This technique is perfect for those who want to achieve a natural yet enhanced eyebrow appearance. The combination of hair-like strokes and soft shading provides a realistic and beautifully textured result. Combo brows PMU is suitable for all brow types and can help fill in sparse areas, reshape uneven brows, or create a more defined arch. It offers a long-lasting solution with minimal maintenance, giving you the confidence of perfectly groomed and symmetrical eyebrows.

how to prepare for your appointment

Please refrain from alcohol, caffeine, aspirin, and other blood thinners such as aspirin and ibuprofen 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Please stop fish oil and vitamin E a week before.

No Botox, fillers, chemical peels, prolonged sun exposure, or use of retinal in the brow area for 2 weeks prior to your appointment.  

what you can expect from our eyebrow pmu service:

  1. Consultation: We begin with a thorough consultation to understand your desired eyebrow shape, thickness, and arch. Our experts will analyze your face shape, bone structure, and existing eyebrow hair to create a customized look that complements your unique features.

  2. Design and Customization: Based on your consultation, we will design a precise eyebrow shape that enhances your facial structure and reflects your personal style. We take into consideration factors such as your face shape, eye placement, and brow symmetry to achieve a tailored look just for you.

  3. Numbing and Comfort: Before the procedure, we prioritize your comfort by applying a topical numbing cream to ensure a pain-free experience. We strive to make your visit as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

  4. Pigment Selection: We offer a wide range of high-quality pigments in various shades to match your natural hair color or achieve your desired eyebrow color. Our pigments are carefully chosen to ensure they are safe, long-lasting, and fade-resistant, giving you beautiful and enduring results.

  5. Application: Using sterile, disposable needles and state-of-the-art equipment, our artists meticulously implant the pigment into the skin to create individual hair-like strokes or a soft shading effect, depending on your desired look. We utilize precise techniques to achieve a realistic and natural appearance.

  6. Healing and Aftercare: After the procedure, we provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and color retention. You may experience slight redness or swelling initially, but it will subside within a few days. It is essential to follow the aftercare guidelines to achieve optimal results.

  7. Touch-Up Session: We recommend a touch-up session approximately 4-6 weeks after your initial treatment. This session allows us to refine the eyebrows, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure long-lasting results.

Our eyebrow permanent makeup service offers numerous benefits, including:

Enhanced Brow Shape and Definition: Achieve beautifully shaped and defined eyebrows that complement your facial features and bring symmetry to your face.

Time-Saving: Save time on daily eyebrow grooming and maintenance. Wake up with perfectly groomed brows every day.

Long-lasting Results: With proper care, your eyebrow permanent makeup can last for years, giving you long-lasting and hassle-free eyebrows.

Customizable Styles: Whether you prefer a natural, subtly filled-in look or a bolder, more defined appearance, we can create a range of styles to suit your preferences.

At oc beauty co, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction. Our artists are highly trained, experienced, and follow strict hygiene protocols to ensure a safe and comfortable environment.

Transform your eyebrows and enhance your overall look with our eyebrow permanent makeup service. Book an appointment with us today and experience the beauty and convenience of perfectly shaped and defined eyebrows.